Remove any essential game files that the patch may have overwritten with extreme caution.Remove any files that you have confirmed are utilized by the mod. Examine the original archive to ensure that the files utilized by the mod you want to uninstall are correct.Removing files from your installation directory is hazardous and may need reinstalling the game. In-game, you should now be able to see the mod you installed active. You’re done after you’ve confirmed the ESP file is mentioned in your plugins.txt file. If it doesn’t work, you may manually add the mod to this list as a full filename with an extension ( ie.

If you successfully enabled modding as indicated in the “How to Enable Fallout 4 Mod Support” section at the beginning of this page, the mod (ESP file) you are installing will now be listed in this file when the Fallout 4 launcher is launched. Using a text editor such as Notepad++, open the plugins.txt file in Fallout 4’s AppData folder.This will add the newly inserted ESP file to your plugins.txt file.