MP4, MP3, MOV, AAC, WAV, AVI, M4A, and more Download YouTube Playlist with 1080p-8K resolution.Download Videos From 10,000+ Sites, like YouTube, Spotify, etc.Read more + Best YouTube Video Download App for Android & PC: Top Picks Name Important: You should use these YouTube downloader apps only to download your personal YouTube videos or those with Creative Commons reusable licenses. At Guru99, we never encourage such activities. YouTube considers these activities as unauthorized or illegitimate. You could face legal troubles like trials or fines if you get caught doing such activity. Moreover, you cannot download or make copies of any copyrighted YouTube Videos. Save downloaded files with password-protected folder.YouTube’s Terms of Service explicitly mention that users shouldn’t download videos, except where YouTube provides a download button or link on that video.Download files with the torrents downloader.

Download videos over WIFI, 4G, 3G and 2G cellular networks.Download videos for MP4, MP3, MAV, M4A, M4V, MOV, AVI, WMV, APK, torrent files, Magnet link, etc.Up to 4K video downloader, 2K, 1080P, 720P etc.Download videos from YouTube/Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Tiktok and more.Then, Vidmate will automatically save the audio track of that video. If you would like to download music, search for the video within the quite twenty platforms available included within the app. Plus, all the videos you download are perfectly stored in your virtual library, sorted by download date. You can choose the download quality for many of the video platforms available, including high definition or other lower-quality options that take up less space in your device. You can download videos from practically any video platform with Vidmate. Vidmate is one among the simplest apps you’ll use to download videos and songs from popular online services like Vimeo, Dailymotion, YouTube, Instagram, FunnyorDie, Sex Video, Vine, Tumblr, Soundcloud, Metacafe, and many other multimedia portals.